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Evaluate State Assessments and Curriculum Prevent the State Education Department from requiring schools to use Partnership

p for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) assessments until a comprehensive review of the Common Core Standards and PARCC is considered. Upon review of the state assessments and curriculum, the new standards would be phased in on a grade-by-grade level, starting in rst grade. Funding Equity Eliminate the GEA over three years. Provide state reimbursement for implementing teacher evaluations, Common Core, and PARCC. Provide reimbursement for school districts that expended resources to locally develop curriculum aligned to the Common Core Standards. Teacher Preparedness Place a higher priority on providing professional development for instruction on the Common Core curriculum and the administration of the PARCC assessment.  eacher Involvement Create an independent teacher panel to develop, review, and approve T age/developmentally-appropriate curriculum and assessments based on Common Core guidelines. Give teachers access to test results to provide feedback to students.  estrict the Use of Student Data Limit the disclosure of student information by a school district R or private school to those directly under the control of the district. Require written parental consent or written consent of an eligible student (those who are 18) prior to any information being disclosed to a contractor, consultant, or other third party.  quity for Special Education Students Require testing to be conducted at the level decided on by E the IEP team. Convene a workgroup to analyze the Common Core Standards, develop methods for different instruction for special-needs students, and identify best practices. 21st Century Pathways Create alternate pathways to a high school diploma including a Career and Technical Education pathway. Increase state funding for BOCES, thereby making BOCES a resource for school districts rather than a nancial burden. Encourage the incorporation of instruction in career and technical skills in the classrooms.  evamp State Education Department Allow the Governor to appoint the Commissioner of R Education. Require any changes by the Board of Regents that impose an unfunded mandate on schools to be approved by the State Legislature and Governor.

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